Valour IT

Give Now, you must.

If you have to limit yourself to only one charitable give this year, now is the time and Soldier’s Angels is the place. Wait for the widget to appear. For some reason it is taking a good 30-60 seconds sometimes.

Project Valour IT (Voice-Activated Laptops for OUR Injured Troops)

Every cent raised for Project Valour-IT goes directly to the purchase and shipment of laptops for severely wounded service members. As of October 2007, Valour-IT has distributed over 1500 laptops to severely wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines across the country.

Originally Valour-IT provided the voice-controlled software, but now works closely with the Department of Defense Computer/electronic Accommodations Program (CAP): CAP supplies the adaptive software and Valour-IT provides the laptop. In addition, DoD caseworkers serve as Valour-IT’s “eyes and ears” at several medical centers, identifying possible laptop recipients. Wounded military personnel can also directly request a laptop through the sign-up form or through the Valour-IT/Soldiers’ Angels representatives at the following medical centers:

* Balboa Naval Hospital

* Brooke Army Medical Center

* Madigan Regional Medical Center

* National Naval Medical Center (Bethesda Naval Hospital)

* Naval Hospital, Camp Pendleton

* Robert E. Bush Naval Hospital (29 Palms)

* Walter Reed Army Medical Center

Thanks to the efforts of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, Valour-IT is also able to reach patients in VA hospitals who would benefit from a Valour-IT laptop.

UPDATE: Evidently there was an issue with the Chip In widget that has resulted in moving to the “thermometer” style donation component above. So, please click on the donate button and give what you can.

One thought on “Valour IT

  1. I donate a huge portion of my meager income to the Semper Fi fund, thru payroll deduction. So, I pass on this event for a reason. I think it’s a great cause but not the one I wish to donate to. Thanks for participating in it though- let’s hope the Marine Team stands up tall this year!!

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