Another Survey

Being a closet aviation geek (always wanted to be a naval aviator but it wasn’t in the cards) I found this survey to be fun. I also found out that depending on my mindset that day the results vary. Today’s result:

What military aircraft are you?F/A-22 Raptor You are an F/A-22. You are technologically inclined, and though you’ve never been tested in combat, your very name is feared. You like noise, but prefer not to pollute any more than you have to. And you can move with the best.

Personality Test Results

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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

Yesterday’s result:

What military aircraft are you?B-52 Stratofortress You’re a B-52. You are old and wise, and you absolutely love destruction. You believe in the principle of “peace through deterrence” and aren`t afraid to throw your weight around.

Personality Test Results

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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

Definitely reflective of different mindsets for the day.