As The Year Turns

With the turning of the new year, we are conditioned to reflect and plan the next years events. Now we all know that every plan has got to be dynamic enough to manage events as they come at us. So, I tend to keep my goal setting loose enough to be achievable. Actually, to have some identified goals for the year is an unusual condition for me. We’ll see how it turns out.

Reflecting on 2007, I have to think of it as year of re-discovery for me. I re-discovered some old skills, and interests and embraced them. As a result, I have redeveloped a personal life. There’s more to life than running a consulting practice and I think I am better off for it. Of course the birth of my 3rd girl this year certainly is an event that helped to prod me back into some interests. Some re-discovery highlights:

  1. History. History has always been a fascination of mine and I lost touch with it somewhere in my life. This year I found it again, which has led me to ….
  1. I have a BRAIN. Having achieved a great deal academically, I moved on into the business world and I stopped using my brain and learned how to do things mechanically like everyone around me. No creativity, no leadership required just follow the herd. This year, something tripped and triggered my brain back into active mode. I like it.
  1. Self Defense Skills. I have to credit my eldest (6 yr old) daughter for this one. In 2006 an event occurred that changed her opinion of a friend of hers. Of course she would not share the details but, as a result we decided that some sort of self defense awareness was appropriate for her. So, we enrolled her in a local Kyuki-do class for kids. It turned out to be so good for her that I joined her, as has her younger sister. I am having a ton of fun relearning throws, and controls all over again.
  1. Taking all three of the above together, triggered this old sheep dog into picking up a firearm again for the first time in a long, long time. Again rediscovering a skill set that I had put aside.

Now for 2008 I actually have a modest set of personal goals. If this isn’t a first for me it is the first time that I have actually had a conscious set of goals for a specific time period. There are always the standards that I don’t think need to be stated like: Be a great dad / husband / son, etc. So here are the specific new ones:

  1. Become a firearm owner, and continue to improve my skills.
  2. Regain, a reasonable level of fitness.
  3. Provide my parents a once in a lifetime event for their 50th wedding anniversary this year.
  4. Achieve a “Brown Stripe” belt in Kyuki-do. This one may be a stretch goal as it would be a four belt achievement from where I am today.

We will have to see what the year holds, and where my goals may be overcome by events. I hope that you all achieve you goals for the year as well.