Handgun Shopping

A while back, I decided that it was time to resurrect some old skills. Accordingly, I started frequenting the local gun stores and ranges. I’ve been able to rent quite a few weapons, and have enjoyed being able to not only hit the targets but being able to put together some pretty decent groups. Now it is time to jump into the ownership arena. I decided to go the route of a .45 ACP as my primary stopper. Keeping a .22LR on hand to keep the ammo costs down while being able to really improve and hone in on my skill set.

Today I spent quite a bit of time with the guys down at GAT, trying to figure out what I have missed in my research and trials so far. It was a little disappointing in that they were very supportive of my interest in a Springfield XD. They really like the way that it shoots, it’s maintenance requirements, and reliability. We talked about the Glock’s and the fact that I don’t shoot them well (pulls low and left). They also introduced me to the H&K USP, and the Sig P226. So, I think that I get to go back and work through some trials with both of those weapons, as well as giving the 1911 another shot. The reality though is that I like 1911’s I just think that the XD is a little simpler, and if the spouse wants, she will be less intimidated in handling the XD than a 1911. Bottom line is that there is room for both.

In the .22 LR category, I got a lesson in how the weapon really needs to fit in your hands. I had all kinds of trouble with making those feel comfortable. I worked through Browining Buckmarks and ultimately after working with five different ones finally found that there is a real impact in the fit of a weapon just from the grips that are installed. Saw that in the 1911 too. There were some subtle differences in the grip styles that had a tremendous difference on the feel of the weapon.

Ultimately, in the .22 space I found that I was most comfortable with the CS Cadet 75. Any thoughts from the sparse readers that might be out there?

2 thoughts on “Handgun Shopping

  1. Any CZ is a good buy, from my experience anyway. A bit on the pricey side, but I haven’t seen a bad one yet.

  2. .22 are so small and for a man it’s hard to get them to fit in your hands. It’s more of a concealed carry weapon. I made another list of self defense weapons that you can also try. None are guns but can be alternatives.

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