Prince Harry – Returning to Britian

This news hit the blog wire Thursday, and really pisses me off.

Here we have someone of obvious notoriety that is very quietly making a difference.  He is out there carrying on a tradition of service, on the “tip of the spear”.  The folks in the UK MOD put together a nice deal with the British press essentially saying, Yes Harry is out there doing the things that young Lieutenants are supposed to do.  You can have all the details but, please do not release them until he returns.  This is for his safety as well as the troops with him.  He should not be publicized as a high profile target… etc. 

The a US report goes and blows the deal.  Man, I support freedom of speech but come on folks let’s use some common sense.  You blow operational security for a scoop?  And then to top it off, now that the lid is off the British press has a great deal of more depth and details than you because they have been working the story for months.  Talk about a lose-lose proposition.  Two words for reporters and bloggers alike — “RESPONSIBLE REPORTING”.  Not something that we have seen a lot of over the past 40 years.

Details on the story can be found….. here …. hereherehere … and a whole bunch of other places too.