G7 Comparison

Every so often you run across something that is refreshingly blunt. Mark Steyn has a post up that is one of those. It is a refreshing comparison of the United States relative position within the G7 group. It does some interesting compares of relative happiness within the group of nations, and postulates on why there is a difference.

Europeans did “vote for their own best interests” — i.e., cradle-to-grave welfare, 35 hour work-weeks, six weeks of paid vacation, etc — and as a result they now face a perfect storm of unsustainable entitlements, economic stagnation, and declining human capital that’s left them so demographically beholden to unassimilable levels of immigration that they’re being remorselessly Islamized with every passing day.

More importantly, it is one of those articles that allows for some clear comparisons of the possible results of the US government changing to emulate the governments and societies of other G7 nations. It is a very clearly opinionated post and in some respects is humorous given the extreme positions.

Give it a read, have a chuckle, and then think about it.

I especially liked the quote from Keith Reade. While it is an extreme position, this is not an unusual European view of the US.