Remodeling the blog – And Random Comments

Hi folks!

A surprise post over at Mr. Completely’s place. He had a few kind words that are appreciated.

Well this weekend is Boomershoot, and I am no where near ready to participate and very jealous of all the folks destined to practice their long range rifle skills tomorrow, and connect with those reactive targets. But the plan was (and is) to pull the things together for next year at the earliest. Hopefully I’ll be able to pull that together.

NFL Draft – Incredible the amount of coverage that has revolved around this event over the past few years. The NFL has an incredible marketing machine and it shows.

As you can see remodeling of the blog is underway. Some of the things don’t all work yet, and I lost some of the video clips when I switched servers around and so on. Rebuilding those posts, and tweaking the visual aspects of this as I have time. Hang in there I should get things stabilized soon. Although, I just received an upgrade notice on the base WordPress software that may set me back a bit, if I install it. Gotta love the software industry.