Knife Rights

Ok I think we all recognize that the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is guaranteed by the second ammendment to The Constitution.  That is pretty clear cut.  Shortly, the Supreme Court will rule on the Heller case and is expected to confirm that the 2nd ammendment confirms that these rights are the rights of the individual.

Where does that leave us on kinfe rights.  Recently we have seen criminals in the UK resort to swords, knives, and clubs (as well as outlawed guns) as the weapon of choice in criminal acts.  Further we have seen movements in the UK to outlaw these weapons too. 

Over at Joe Huffman’s blog, he has two interesting posts up on this very topic (here and here) and movements within the US to try and protect our Knife Rights.  Now in my opinion the seconf ammendment should not be necessary but it apparently is.  We do not have the equivilent legal protection for bladed weapons, and we should not need it.  However, with the growing movement to turn the US into the UK / Euro clone how will we fight this battle?