Memorial Day 2008 – Other’s Words (IV)

Over at The Sandgram Taco has one of those, “This is what we are about” posts that gives you a little bit of a different viewpoint, from those that are leading our Marines in the Global War on Terror.  Go give it a read.

The wonderful thing about America’s Armed Forces is that none of us are born killers.  On the contrary we are good and decent Americans mostly from the neighborhoods of America’s cities, and small towns.  Almost all come from “salt of the earth” working class homes, and more often than not are the sons and daughters of cops and firemen, factory and service workers, and farmers.  Most of us delivered papers, stocked shelves in the grocery store, played Little League baseball and pickup hockey in the local rink, and served Mass on Sunday morning.  Some are former athletes, and many “couch potatoes” who drove our cars and motorcycles too fast, and blasted our music louder than perhaps we should have…”