66 Years Ago Today

66 Years ago today one of the most pivotal naval battles in US history was fought.  Out in the Pacific Ocean, 600 miles from Hawaii a carrier battle was fought that many people have marked as the beginning of the end for the Japanese Empire.

Many have written in detail about this battle.  I myself have in fact used this battle as the topic for multiple papers.  This was a battle that was determined by courage, sacrifice, audacity, and luck.  If that PBY had not spotted the Japanese fleet, and if Nimitz had not been able to position his fleet correctly, and if the US forces had not caught the Japanese squadrons on deck refueling, and rearming the world as we know it today would be different.  Hmm… that sounds like an interesting premise for an alternate history novel.

There is a lot that we owe to those who fought this battle, and many others like it.  Take a few minutes today to go read about the Battle of Midway.  You can find a brief overview here.  Or if you really have the time and the interest, I like Samuel Eliot Morison’s history.