The Politics of Energy

Growing up and learning to drive during the 70’s I think I can safely say that I have been paying attention to the energy situation for quite some time now.  A couple of things that have really struck me over that time:

1.  The general populace of the United States does not understand the energy situation and really does not want to.  But, when it begins to impact their pocket books it is an emotionally charged topic.  Rational arguments don’t matter.  I know that applies to other things as well like gun rights.

2.  Energy is a global issue that is primarily driven by economics, and then complicated by global politics.

3.  Technology is good, and can be applied very creatively to solve global energy requirements.  Particularly if the economics are there to support the investment.

3a.  In addition to economics, technology takes lead time to be viable.  If you are not looking 10 to 20 years ahead you will be behind the curve.

4.  Global Warming arguments don’t hold water given a study of the data and should not impact any energy discussions.

Now when you through global and domestic political agendas on top of this you can get a real mess.  Given there is only so much we can do about the international politics part of the equation.  But let’s get the fracking domestic politics out of the picture.   Congress critters are elected to represent the people and to  balance the other two branches of government.   Over the past couple of years our citizen representatives have failed to take action that would have taken the country down alternate paths and helped prevent the current energy “crisis”.  If they chose to act today it would still be a fairly lengthy period of time before any new petroleum sources came on line, or any new nuclear plants were completed and brought on line.  It’s almost too late to act folks… recognize this point in history for what it is and let’s move down the road of fixing the energy variable in our economy so that we are still a global leader in 30 years when alternate energy technology, and infrastructure is ready to come on line.

Over at Flopping Aces, they are following this issue as well and posted a transcript of a recent speech on the floor of the house.  As you might expect the statements are pretty partisan but, you should expect that from government.  The facts however are very telling.  Go take a look.