Blogs, Blogs, Blogs

There are any number of really really good blogs out there. Usually, I read along for a while thinking, “Yeah, this is someone that I can relate with”. Then something comes up, and the blog turns a corner into something that you just don’t buy and you continue reading but without the same level of affinity.

Well there is a relatively new blog out there that I have referenced before. That I can’t believe:

a. How well written it is.

b. How closely it mirrors my own thoughts and feelings.

c. How closely each of the posts (so far) hit home.

For instance, if you have been reading this blog for a while you would know that we recently have had to put euthanize both of our Labradors. They both lived into old age, it was a totally heart rending decision to have to make, and in each case the pet went through a rapid decline (matter of days) that was surprising. Since that time, we have a new pup and continue to make the best of things.

Well a couple of days ago Brigid through up a post titled ASK NOT FOR WHOM THE DOG BARKS . . . IT BARKS FOR THEE”. It popped up in my reader and I read it thinking, “That’s nice”. Today I clicked through to the actual blog post, and lo and behold I find another Labrador tribute. Now, instead of this blog veering away from interests I find it drawing closer and closer. It’s just much better written than mine.