Democratic National Convention – Update

ell it appears that the convention in Denver is running into some obstacles. Not entirely surprising, putting on an event of this magnitude is a challenging task. There is never an opportunity to work unilaterally. Too many differing groups with differing agendas, limited resources (even in a city the size of Denver), and you squeeze all of that into a very tight time frame of events. It is a challenge.

So i would expect various issues to come up. Not communicating with the television producers on moving the venue though? Big issue.

And this from the Sunday Washington Times.

Amid much fanfare, Democratic National Convention officials have for months promoted their commitment to an environmentally sustainable event.

They’ve hired a first-ever “director of greening,” set an ambitious recycling goal of 85 percent, and banished plastic water bottles and plastic foam cups from the premises.

With the convention a little more than one month away, however, it’s apparent that some Democrats are greener than others. Only three state delegations have agreed to eliminate entirely their carbon footprints by purchasing travel offsets, despite the pleas of convention organizers.

Go read the whole thing. It just gets funnier, and funnier.

Note to Democrats: Guys if you have a green platform or even a green plank in your platform you have to support it by your actions. A little thing called leading by example you know. Otherwise you are just another set of do as I say not as I do politicians.

H/T to Raven for her thoughts on this, and pointing out the article.