I Wish…

…that I had the time to give enough thought to what I write to make it sound / read like this,

Another day wandering in the clusters of ancient trees amidst the cornfields in this divergent part of the country I feel is home. With a few days free from the electronic ball and chain, I went for a long walk to gather my thoughts. Woods still abound in spots and I found stillness and quiet, out among the tangled shrubs and trees.

Go here to read the rest.  You won’t be disappointed.

One thought on “I Wish…

  1. Thanks for the link. Honest, I’m not sure how much pure thought goes into it. It just sort of comes into my head unbidden and I have to sit down and write. Sometimes the thoughts are simpler though. . . .

    Reloads. . . . . .donut.

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