Presidential Politics

I was reading through a fair amount of political commentary, some of it kind of out there, some of it better written and well researched.  In all cases it is mostly opinion pieces anymore.

I can across this post from an old Leatherneck, that I think summarizes a number of positions rather well.  Here is a taste:

Ask your liberal sister-in-law if this is the man she’s really going to choose to protect her children.

Now go read the whole piece, here

If your head has not exploded yet, go over to Kim’s place and take a look at some of the dissection that is going on over there.  My favorite is the conclusion:

By comparison, even a centrist Republican like McCain looks like Reagan II. (Okay, I exaggerate, but you get my drift.)

Forget it. President Bill Clinton was bad enough; President Hillary Clinton would have been worse than her husband; but President Barack Obama will be massively disastrous.

While you’re at Kim’s take a look at his take on the Economy, a little different than what the MSM would have you believe?  Can’t find much to disagree with in any of these posts.