The Surge

So a few of the folks at VFF have headed back to Iraq as embeds and are providing their view on the changes in Iraq.  David Bellavia, is one of those and he brings his unique perspective to the current situation.

Top Ten Signs the Surge has worked:

10. The Kevlar and vest mandatory uniform from 2003 to 2007 has been replaced with the gentle request of “please wear a hat” at the Baghdad International Airport flight line.

9. The Subway in Baghdad now serves double meat on request.

8. Number one complaint of Green Zone soldiers is the lack of decals for the new Les Paul Guitar Hero: Aerosmith model edition.

7. Ambassador Ryan Crocker is releasing a Christmas Cookbook.

6. The Mehdi Army is now issuing referral letters to other terrorist organizations based out of Iran.

5. Two words: Putt Putt

4. The Marines, since losing out on precious trigger time in Anbar due to the record low violence in the area, project to be at a 25% literacy rate by 2010.

3. Most popular name in Diyala, province since 2007: Petraeus Mohammed Al Sistani Surge al Baquba

2. Iraqis are no longer of the belief that Michael Jackson is an acceptable American role model.

1. Prime Minister Maliki is new co-owner of the new Arena Football Team: Baghdad Blaze.

Bellavia is in Diyala Province.  Go read his other reports here