Abuse of Non-Power (Missouri)

Over the course of the Presidential campaign we have seen some interesting behavior from the Obama folks, everytime an ad runs that they don’t like.  They get on the phone and call the stations and “request” that the ad be pulled.  I imagine the conversation goes something like this:

Station Manger (SM):  Hello?

Obama Campaign (BHO):  This is XXXX from the Obama Campaign HQ.

SM:  What can I do for you today?

BHO:  Well you are running this new ad campaign from the XYZ group, and it is not too flattering to us.

SM:  Um, no it’s not.

BHO:  Well we believe in the freedom of speech, and support the constitutional rights of these folks but we need your help in making sure that the US people hear our message of Hope and Change.  These new ads from XYZ are in direct contradiction to our message.  We need your help in getting our message out.

SM:  So you would like to buy some competeing ad time.  Fantastic, we would love to help you.  Let me transfer you to my sales manager who can help set that up for you.

BHO:  Uh, no.  You misunderstand.  We would prefer that you not run messages that compete against us.

SM:  I am still not sure I understand.

BHO:  Ok, it might be best if you stopped running the XYZ ads.

SM:  Hmm.  Let me see, XYZ purchased time on my station and supplied us with an adverstisement that complies with all the regulatory requirements.  But, you would like us to stop selling these advertising spots.  You know, advertising is our business.  We only run entertainment to generate ad revenue.  That’s the name of the game.  I would be happy to sell you some time to rebut the XYZ ads but I will still sell that time to folks who want it.

BHO:  So you are refusing to comply with the wishes of The One?  You are standing as an obstacle to our path to office?

SM:  No, what I am saying is that you are welcome to buy competing ad time if you like.

BHO:  Let me be crystal clear.  We have asked you to pull the XYZ ads, and not allow them to buy additional time.  You are refusing.

SM:  For the reasons stated, yes.

BHO:  We will remember this when we are in office.  I am sure that your license is due for renewal sometime soon.  You take care now.


Now we have a number of stories coming out of Missouri where the BHO Campaign has enlisted government officials to stifle the communication of citizens that have opinions that differ from the BHO Campaign.  Hot Air has a nice breakdown of this here.

Since we are seeing this come out of the Governer’s office as well, I think there is some truth to the situation.

Fast forward to Febuary 2009, imagine if you will BHO being president (god forbid).  One of his first acts may be the repeal of the 1rst and 2nd Ammendments to The Constitution, and the inclusion of a Sharia court system as we see in UK.  Now that may seem a bit over the top, I hope it never occurs but the BHO as president scenario is very very frightening.