Changing the Game

Over the last week there has been a lot of coverage of the Republican Vice Presidential nominee.  A lot of deep diving for dirt by the media, and a lot of mis-plays from the Democratic camp.  But, after last night’s acceptance speech by Gov. Palin I think that everyone can agree that the election has changed and become a lot more interesting.

Now, like most males of my demographic I will admit that I am having a very difficult time finding something to dislike at the women.  She is attractive (hot).  She speaks well but in that “we’re just talking over coffee” way.  She hunts, fishes, loves the outdoors.  She can walk into a room with gravitas, or she can impress wearing a flight suit.  She has the executive / governmental credentials / experience that are right for this campaign.  And she knows what she believes in, and apparently the mirror mine to a large degree.

Old, staid, white man???  Nope.  Please let me introduce you to the next generation of politician in America.  He / she will come from “America” and represent the values that are important to us…the “silent majority”.  He / she will be in politics because they are there to make a mark, and carry on the spirit that this country was founded on.  He / she will not come from a metropolis but from small towns or medium sized cities in the heartland of this nation.

Gov. Palin, welcome to the national stage and thank you for being up to the challenge.