
So the last couple of weeks have been interesting from the weather perspective.  Some of the theories out there as to why are interesting, but certainly not convincing.  But, that is not the purpose of this post.

As is often the case I find that Chuck Z. has captured some of my thoughts very well in one of his rants:

Gustav turned out to be little more than a tempest in a teacup.

Still, with every weather report claiming it was to be the “storm of the century” (cue appropriately ominous music) the prudent thing to do was evacuate the coast, with particular attention paid to New Orleans.

That is all well and good. I’m glad we exercised an emergency plan that worked, for a change.

But I’m still pissed that my tax dollars were used…

…Why should I pay for Mr. Mollineux and his band of inbred Cajuns to go to Houston every September?

Go give the whole thing a read, some good ideas in there.