Media Opinions

Editorials rarely make as profound a statement of what many people see as an unpopular view, as one in Colorado recently.   I fully support what the gentlemen has to say, I am just surprised that it actually made it to print.  Can you imagine this piece running in the NYT, the Chicago Tribune, or the Washington Post?

Once again, a gun in the hands of a brave, daring and selfless hero has resolved a violent crime in Colorado Springs. As so often is the case when a gun foils a crime, no shot was ever fired. The gun brought civility where mayhem previously reigned.

The Department of Justice has estimated that citizens use guns to defend themselves in United States more than 1.5 million time each year. Other studies have put the number higher and lower. Whatever the true number is, these incidents are routine and almost never make the news. When they do, it’s important to remember how the Second Amendment keeps this country civilized and free.

Go click on that link and read the whole thing.