One Man’s Guide

The internet is a wonderful thing.  It has created a world in which everyone can publish their opinions, and have them discussed with varying degress of passion.  It does create some unusual articles, here is one of the latest that I stumbled across.

Fellow Americans, bloggers, and bitter gun clutchers: In the past tumultuous weeks, I have been asked:

“How does an educated man like yourself, a person of taste, culture, and intellect, a registered Independent since 1964, support the Republican ticket over the Democrat? How can you be a one-issue voter?”

Or, more directly: “Have you lost your f*****g mind?”

My friends, I am paid to write about guns, hunting, and politics as it applies to guns and hunting. My mandate does not extend further. Because of this, I’m a captive of circumstance. The Democrats nominated an atrocious pair of anti-gunners, and the Republicans nominated one neutral and possibly the strongest pro-gun candidate ever. All I can do is report on what they say; however, this does not mean I’ve ignored their other qualifications, or lack thereof. So, lest I be thought shallow and superficial, here is how I rank the four candidates, quite apart from firearms…

Go read the rest.