Palin: A Real Person?

So the past couple of weeks have seen the nomination of Sarah Palin as a candidate for VP.  She has turned out to be wildly popular across the board, and it is becoming very apparent why that is so.  She is a real person.  She is not a lawyer.  She is not a career politician.  She is not a celebrity.

The press have hung various labels on her (moose hunter, hockey mom, etc.).  But the one that the seem to have a hard time articulating is that Gov. Palin is a real person.  She has a set of values, and experiences that are common to a significant section of America.  She combines those values and experiences with a refreshingly common sense attitude that people are comfortable with.

Over at American Thinker there is an article that does a great job of articulating this phenomena.

Sarah Palin is not that special. In fact, she’s typical of the conservative American women who don’t whine about how difficult it is to wear so many hats. We just do it.

Go read the whole thing.