Subjugated by Consent

Over at American Mercenary there was an interesting thought posted recently, you should read the whole thing here.   What I found most interesting were these three paragraphs:

A bolt action rifle can be the basis for a formidable fighting force, as could the venerable 30-30 lever rifle. Give me men willing to discipline themselves to train as a concerted team with nothing more than common hunting arms and I (and most any other military leader from the US Army or Marine Corps) can give you a formidable guerrilla force.

Which is why the estimated 80 to 100 million gun owners in the US give me a warm fuzzy feeling. That is the largest untapped militia force in the world. US shooters consume over 9 billion rounds of ammunition annually.

Why would any politician want to disarm the US people? Oh yeah, an armed population can only be subjugated by consent.

This is one of the reasons that the 2nd Ammendment exists.

H/T to Joe Huffman