Campaign Contributions

I have had my head under a rock the last couple of days (work) and am just pulling it out now.  Ran across this interesting peice over at the Power Line.  The implications of this action, and the “law of unintended consequences”.

Campaign contributions under false names are illegal, as are contributions by noncitizens. Federal campaign law also limits the amount any one citizen can contribute to the presidential campaign to $2,300. The acceptance of campaign contributions via credit card without AVS protection facilitates illegal contributions. This is what the Obama campaign has chosen to do, and what the McCain campaign has chosen to avoid.

Someone in BHO’s camp made a concious decision to save a couple of dollars by not implementing AVS.  In doing so they either; were unable to see the risk of not implementing the feature, were aware of the risk and decided that is was negligible, or didn’t care about violating the law.

The question will wind up being… how does this wind up impacting the campaign.  Who goes to jail if there have been illegal contributions?

More importantly, how does this reflect on the candidate’s ability to field a knowledgable, functional team that will provide him with advice, and recommendations that will support the US Constitution and the laws of the United States?