Debate 20081007 – II

The Obama Doctrine.   I can’t say it any better than Subsunk laid it out here:

If the Holocaust could have been prevented……., of course, by the use of military force, then it should have been used, according to last night’s debate:

What is the Obama doctrine for use of force that the United States would send when we don’t have national security issues at stake?

OBAMA: Well, we may not always have national security issues at stake, but we have moral issues at stake.

If we could have intervened effectively in the Holocaust, who among us would say that we had a moral obligation not to go in?

If we could’ve stopped Rwanda, surely, if we had the ability, that would be something that we would have to strongly consider and act.

So when genocide is happening, when ethnic cleansing is happening somewhere around the world and we stand idly by, that diminishes us.

OBAMA: And so I do believe that we have to consider it as part of our interests, our national interests, in intervening where possible.

But understand that there’s a lot of cruelty around the world. We’re not going to be able to be everywhere all the time. That’s why it’s so important for us to be able to work in concert with our allies.

Let’s take the example of Darfur just for a moment. Right now there’s a peacekeeping force that has been set up and we have African Union troops in Darfur to stop a genocide that has killed hundreds of thousands of people.

We could be providing logistical support, setting up a no-fly zone at relatively little cost to us, but we can only do it if we can help mobilize the international community and lead. And that’s what I intend to do when I’m president.

If we could have intervened effectively in the Holocaust….? Wasn’t that what World War II was partially about? What magical wand existed in 1939 that would have saved European Jewry from the “Final Solution“, except the willingness to confront Herr Hitler with overwhelming military force, and beat his ass into submission amongst his neighbors? Didn’t happen, you say? At least not till 1940? Maybe not till 1944? And how effective were the French, British, Dutch, and Belgian armies at preventing that Holocaust in May 1940? I suppose the One wasn’t in charge then, and able to effectively direct the application of Allied military force against the Wehrmacht and that’s why 5 million European Jews weren’t saved. Because America didn’t use our Magic Military Wands to magically intervene in Europe to stop Herr Hitler when he was blaming the Jews for all the ills of Europe. Had his signature been affixed to the Final Solution documents? No. But we see who was blamed by Hitler for Germany’s problems, and how extermination was referenced in his rhetoric as concentration. How examples were made of his Jewish citizenry.

Where else does this ideology exhibit itself today? And where have we heard Hitler’s words again?

The American military was used first and foremost, to oppose Nazi Germany in Europe at the expense of the Pacific campaign (which was mostly a naval and Marine Corps campaign, although my Army father was used in the Pacific theater, and the Army most assuredly made huge contributions to the Pacific campaign). How using them quicker, or sooner, or more effectively could have occurred is nothing but Pure F*cking Magic (henceforth called PFM), and Liberal hindsight which ignores the realities of war and the overwhelming force used to defeat the Axis powers in World War II.

The lives of 405,000 dead Americans and millions of American wounded were spent for 4 years of unconditionally brutal combat to stop the perpetrators of worldwide oppression and evil intentions. Not to mention the existence of Free America and Europe hung in the balance.

It is a stunning premise that those lives weren’t spent to end the Holocaust while at the same time protecting Free societies from oppression in the most “cost-effective” and “national interests” fashion possible. While I am sure Mr. Obama didn’t mean it that way, it, nevertheless, came out that way and smacked me dead in the face.

I’m disgusted by our politicians’ inability to understand history, and to paint the last hundred years of it as something they know better about than our parents and grandparents did. Those generations looked true evil in the eye and did something about it. We understand that evil opposes our country….and elect leaders who wimp out and let Hitlers get away with Holocausts because we want the American leadership to TALK more with our enemies?

I’m done. There are no more Churchill’s and Roosevelt’s. They’ve been castrated and killed by the liberal media. For what we are about to receive, may we be truly thankful. Not….