Imagine if you will…

As I was writing the post about advertising I closed the post with a comment about alarmism, and I was trying to visualize what that might look like.

I came up with trying to envision what an Obama cabinet might look like, and what his personal advisory staff might look like. Wright, Ayers, Rezko, the vision gets very, very, frightening. The damage to the fabric of the nation, the hatred that would occupy the leadership of this nation, the corruption, the damage to our international standing, our way of life…

Put yourself in the shoes of a terrorist, or a criminal, and Obama (a known terrorist sympathizer) is elected to office. What is your first thought?

I had a couple of very visual, mid-level paragraphs at this point that while effective would have given too many ideas to the bad guys. I pulled them out. Sit down for five minutes and think about what you do on any given day. Think about what would cause the most fear and disruption for you personally. Our enemies have already thought of that and have a plan to make those fears a reality if we allow them to.

Very frightening.