‘Phib’s Choice

Over at the ‘Phib’s place he has a very candid, and clear discussion of the presidential choices.  One of the best parts of that post:

What a horrible irony it would be. Let me put a little list together for you. Nixon, Kennedy, Goldwater, Johnson, Humphry, McGovern, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush41, Clinton, Bush43, Obama, McCain.

Who in that list is least qualified from that list? Obama. You could put McCain solidly in the middle of that group – perhaps in the top 5 even.

Who has served their country that involved personal sacrifice the least? Obama. You could argue that McCain is at the top along with Kennedy and to a lesser extent Bush41 and McGovern.

The Greek playwrites couldn’t lay it out better – expecially when you consider one of the greatest political opponents of Bush43 for the last 8 years has been … wait for it … McCain.

You owe it to yourself to go read the discussion.