Stating The Obvious – Part 1

I was reading a piece over at Kim’s place, and ran across the most profound and obvious statement that a large portion of our populace seems to forget.

But there is a little good news, even if only for the U.S.:

The crisis engulfing Europe, Asia and emerging markets, makes life easier for Washington. The United States is becoming a safe-haven again.

And why is that? Because we’re a rich country, and we’re a rich country because we are capitalists, and we make money.

What the idiot journo is suggesting is that the U.S. Treasury ignore inflation, and print more money. Yeah, that worked so well in Germany in the 1920s…

The situation is not good, but running around in a screaming panic demanding that Gummint do something, anything, is a sure prescription for future, and long-term disaster.

Capitalism – Good

Socialism / Socialists – Not so good.