WOW Moment

I’ve posted a lot of “stuff” up here on the presidential elections.  I’ve thrown economic points, foriegn policy points, advertising, cartoons, all sorts of things.  But until today I’ve never really seen the entire campaign boiled down to just a couple of comments.

BANGOR, Me. — Speaking before a crowd of a few thousand supporters in an airport hangar, GOP vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin continued to question Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama’s patriotism and commitment to fair elections.

Palin largely stuck to her stump speech during her appearance here in the conservative-leaning Second District of Maine, whose single electoral vote the McCain campaign is hoping to secure. But she also attacked Obama for his ties to ACORN with new intensity, saying, “In this election, it’s a choice between a candidate who won’t disavow a group committing voter fraud, and a leader who won’t tolerate voter fraud.”

The Alaska governor — who said that, when it comes to the GOP ticket, “We believe that America is not the problem, America is the solution” — said Obama has shown no desire for victory despite the fact that he spoke so frequently about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“It sure would be nice if, just once, Barack Obama said he wants America to win,” she said, as the crowd cheered.

We are always proud to be Americans, and we don’t apologize for being Americans,” Palin added later.

So let’s boil the selection process down to bullet points

  1. Values – Do you believe in the candidates values
  2. Character – Honor, Courage, Commitment, Loyalty, Integrity etc.
  3. Would you invite this guy or gal to a BBQ and enjoy having them there.
  4. Are they proud of who and what they are?
  5. Vision – I think this ties back to values and character but vision, direction, and being able to lead are important also.