Below is what I hope is the last, or nearly last flurry of election thoughts.
‘We, here in Ireland, can’t figure out why people are even bothering to hold an election in the United States this year.
You have a lawyer who states he is ‘black’ when it is documented that he is actually both black and white, who has stated that he wants his countrymen to learn to speak Spanish rather than English, who usually doesn’t put his hand over his heart and say the pledge of allegiance or wear the flag of the country he wants to run,who can’t remember if there are 50 or 57 states in his own country, who is married to yet another lawyer who doesn’t even like the country her husband wants to run.Now…
On the other side, you have a nice old war hero whose name starts with the appropriate ‘Mc’ terminology , married to a good looking younger woman who owns a beer distributorship.
What in Lord’s name are ye lads thinking over there in the colonies??’
Something else we can look forward to under a President Hussein administration, one full of Hope and Change, a “civilian” paramilitary security force, not hampered by that darn ““posse comitatus”:
Ohhhhh boy, here we go….
(Note to President Senator Obama, we already have a citizen-soldier defense force, it’s called the National Guard.)