
Here’s an interesting piece from a UK writer.  I covers his visit to a small Idaho town out west.

They tell me that about one person in 50 on the streets of Moscow, Idaho, is legally carrying a concealed pistol. A lot more have them in their cars. I rather approve of this, though I don’t think I’ll join in.

Many of those packing heat are women combining a hard, practical feminism with a conservative view of the right to bear arms.

The important thing is that you don’t know who is armed and who isn’t, and nor do potential rapists and muggers. I am sure this arrangement improves everyone’s manners no end.

It is certainly a very polite place and shoot-outs here are a good deal rarer than they are in gun-controlled London or Manchester.

Go read the whole thing – it’s an interesting view.

One thought on “Idaho

  1. There are times I can’t carry, certain places. I’m told that when I AM carryiing I walk different. With more confidence. It shows. I think that a potential carjacker/rapist is going to notice 5 foot 8 inches of redheaded attitude and pick on someone else.

    If he doesn’t – Meet Mr. .45 acp.

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