
Your right to vote has been paid for throughout the last two hundred and thirty two (plus) years by the love, duty, beliefs and sacrifices of those that have gone before us.  From the first colonies on these shores, through the Boston Tea Party, Valley Forge, the crossing of the Delaware, Bunker Hill, Lewis and Clark, Gettysburg, Bull Run, Belleau Woods, Normandy, Guadalcanal, Chosin Resivoir, Khe Sahn, Hue, Saigon, Kuwait, Bagdhad, Kabul, Hindu Kush, and thousands of nameless events and places thoughout our history.

Your opportunity to exercise your voting right in a national election, occurs tomorrow.  Tomorrow will determine the course that this country takes for the next 4, 8, 10, 12 or more years.  What takes place during each governmental cycle is critical and it takes years to ultimately change course if we take a wrong turn.  In the interim, our way of life will be impacted.  Our standing in the world will be impacted.  Sometimes, it is not for the better.  Jimmy Carter took this country down a path that took 12 years to be fully corrected.  Clinton, fortunately, allowed the country to coast and exploited the economic foundation that was laid by Reagan and Bush.  September 11, 2001 put this country on a course that we had been avoiding since the Tehran embassy incident 29 years ago.  Ultimately, we had to confront and deal with that underlying enemy on their terms not ours.

Today we are faced with a very clear cut choice.  To elect a leader who follows the path of Marx and Socialism, or elect a gentlemen who holds true to a set of values that have been the foundation of this country for over 232 years.

Make your choice.  Get to the polling place and vote.  Exercise your right to choose.  Do not fail those who have entrusted us with the fate of this nation.