
For those that know me, you know that I am much too much of a scientific nerd.  As a result it is really difficult for me to go “all in” on the metaphysical, particularly organized religions.

I could go on and on about how I feel about organized religion and it would turn into a rant of epic proportions.  Suffice it to say that they have been very important in the history of mankind, in both positive and negative manners.

That said, the U S of A was founded by groups of individuals who were escaping religious persecution.  As a result much of what is the basis for our educational system, governmental system, our rights and freedoms is based on Judeo-Christan values and beliefs.  Over the past few decades we (as a culture) have had a tendency to gloss over those beliefs and values and embrace the commercial side of the holiday.  The commercialism has become important economically and culturally,  but the values that drive holiday need to be remembered, taught and reinforced to the coming generations.

Over at the American Thinker, is an interesting piece on Christmas that is worth your time.

Our nation is torn.  It is torn between the tradition of conservative values and the progression of liberal agendas.  It is in conflict with nations abroad and with citizens at home.  It is in search of an ephemeral guiding principle while ignoring an eternal governing truth….

Whether you truly believe, whole heartedly, in the Christian religion, or whether you are Buddist, Shinto, Hindu, Islamic, Wiccan, or something else, you live in and hopefully believe in the values that this country was founded on. Assuming that is true, you will be called upon at sometime in the future to apply those values, and be an active communicator in conveying those values to others.

Take the time to watch the world around you.  Watch for things that are happening that you might not agree with. Keep a mental list.  Then take appropriate steps to make your opinions known.  Like these folks have done.

