Giving Time

First let me thank everyone who participated int eh Valout IT fundraiser prior to Thanksgiving.  The totals are not exactly where we had hoped that they would be but, the drive did raise $80,000.  That’s a lot of help for some wounded Soliders, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines.

Time to shift gears to my other charity.  It is that season again where we have the opportunity to do something relatively small, that will have a tremendous positive impact in someone’s life.  Toys for Tots is out there and at it again.  Looking for donations of new toys to distribute to those in need.  This is one of those charities that is very easy to help out.  You will find donation drop offs all over your town.  Get out there and drop off that $10 toy.  It will make a tremendous difference in a child’s life.

If you can’t get out there to make that donation, click here.  Every little bit helps.