AG Holder Comments

Yesterday, Attorney General Holder stated that, “…we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards”.  Now, that is an incredibly strong statement of opinion from a cabinet member of the executive branch.  In some respects it is a breath of fresh air for it’s lack of ambiguity.

On the other hand, I am:

A.  Insulted by the comment.

B.  Alarmed at the thoughts that generated this comment.

The Attorney General’s premise was essentially that regardless of the progress that we have made since 1865 to create a nation of racial equality, we have not succeeded.  While we may be integrated and respectful of our colleagues in a business environment, in our personal lives we still suffer from segregation.  The Attorney General went on to provide some facts that would seem to support his general statements.

I won’t get into the why am I insulted by the AG’s statements.  I think that is obvious being called a coward by someone who has never even met me is insulting.  Further, it is a symptom of what I will present a little further on here.

Here are some of my observations on the state of racism in this country.  Racism does exist, and it can be found particularly in specific regional, cultural, and specific demographical pockets around  this nation.  Just as it can be found throughout Europe.  But, that racism is and has been on the decline throughout my lifetime and as we as a nation continue to mature the generations that were raised on segregation will pass, as will many of these pockets of racism.

There are many races and cultures that make up this nation.  There have been many approaches to integrating these cultures thoughout our society but we still have very specific pockets of culture that cling to there identity.  This will never change, and it is important that these cultures have these centers around which they can maintain there languages, traditions, and often religions (Chinatown, Little Saigon, Little Havana, etc.).  At the same time many of the individuals of these societies work their butts off to take advantage of what this nation can offer.  The results tend to be 1rst, 2nd and later generations of American born immigrants that are EXCELLING in our culture.  There is no racial discrimination that I see against these individuals.  They are accepted and embrace in the city, or the suburbs.  Because they have seen their way past the barriers and earned the respect of every citizen.

One of the ways that people break past these barriers is embracing the American culture.  Finding that dual level of individuality and balancing it in there own lives.  They often become multi-lingual and learn the nuances of football as much as cricket or soccer.  They find the grants and scholarships that are out there, and they compete for them.  They often find ways to complete graduate level degrees.  Finally, they recognize what is taken for them to reach these achievements and they pass those values, and that work ethic on to the next generation.

Where we get into “trouble” as a nation is where we have individuals that don’t try to better their position.  This is not limited to any single race but, transcends race.  There are Caucasians, Indians, Vietnameese, Poles, and African-Americans who would prefer to do the minimum necessary to exist.  They are have more of a mindset that we are entitled to “X” as opposed to having to earn that item / status / job etc.  To compound that mindset we often find the leaders in these communities preaching a militant, entitlement message that discourages that individuals to break the cycle.

My point to the AG is this, sir you are full of shit.  You see the class differences of this nation and you call it racism.  You generalize your statements.  You insult me with your generalizations and you are just plain wrong.  Your comments, and ones like them made every day by those like Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, and Jeremiah Wright are ones that prevent / discourage people from having a dream, or vision for their lives and reaching out there to make it reality.  People have to have a goal, ambition, and drive to better themselves.  If the don’t they will not reach beyond their community, they won’t seek to better themselves.  That there are “class” differences within this nation is not racism it is a function of an individual’s personal drive and motivation.  By classifying that as racism you belittle everyone who has busted their butts to achieve something in life.

My apologies if I have rambled on here but having these attitudes expressed by the leadership of this government is just fundamentally wrong.

For some other thoughts on this issue try here and here

One thought on “AG Holder Comments

  1. Thor started about right. The crucial turn is in the 6th para suggesting people embrace the American culture. Thor could think more deeply, read more widely, observe more keenly specific examples locally small and regionally large…including plentiful examples of past 8 years where he can gain insight to what he posited.

    What is “American culture”? Even if the disenfranchised tried to, would they be allowed to “embrace American culture”? The insularity of ethnic enclaves are to be expected…but their efforts to join the mainstream is a daily profound struggle b/t those holding to the promise of hard work and a better future,…and that “American culture that includes racial barriers” or what sociologists call the dominant culture”.

    Until Thor and others understand that, MLK’s vision of “being judged by the content of our character and not the color of our skin” will be an ongoing mindfulness and struggle in ours, a blessed free enterprise system.

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