Boomershoot – Day3

Note to self:  When shooting from prone position, on the very hard earth for several days having elbow pads is a very good idea.

I knew this, I just forgot that part of the packing and boy was I paying for it by day 3.

Another early day and drive up from Orofino to the shooting site.  Hauling stuff up and down the stairs at the hotel got very old.  The day started out cold again, although a bit warmer than previous days.  The skys were threating a bit of precipitation but it seemed to holdoff.

With the full number of participants showing up for the event on Sunday there were a lot more folks around enjoying things, and lot more equipment to appreciate.

I wound up spotting for the first string which was okay.  I would have liked to have had a shot at the first boomer of the day but, it wasn’t that important.  My partner had a light barrel in his rifle that tended to walk as it warmed up so we were shooting his first and then letting it cool.  I got him on target fairly quickly at 380 and we had some boomers there before switching over to my turn.

Concentrated on the 380 line to get things loosend up and wound up going shoot – miss, shoot boom, shoot boom, shoot boom, shoot miss, shoot boom before looking for the hanging targets.  Turns out that they hung a handful of targets from the trees, and painted them to blend into the background.  That presented a bit more of a challenge but I managed to get one of those as well.

We spent a lot of time trying to get the 600 and 650 yd targets.  Bryan was able to connect with a couple.  I managed to snag a couple as well but either missed the explosive inside, or just did not have enough energy left in the round to detonate it.

By the end of the day I was wiped out.  I was having a hard time holding a steady position to trigger the remaining boxes, and still had a fantastic time.