First Puppy – Bo

So the Obama’s played the political game in their choice of a dog.  Accepting a puppy that from the Kennedy’s.  Ok, I can live with that it is part of the political landscape.  Two things that I am a bit concerned about.

1.  The Obama’s do not strike me as “pet people”.  What happens when they leave The White House and have to care for the dog themselves?

2.  Over the years we have seen many photos of various president’s in casual, relaxed situations.  In all of those occasions there has always been the gravitas and command prescence that you expect from the POTUS.  BHO, is out of place, and out of his league.  I recently caught a National Geographic piece on Air Force One.  BHO was uncomfortable, out of place, and showed no sense of command prescence.  Between walking on and off the aircarft with his hands in his overcoat pockets to hold it closed, and his obvious discomfort with the situation.  He was just another commuter like you would see in any urban area.   Hell, I see business men getting on and off commercial aircraft with more command prescence that BHO displayed.

Let’s compound this observation with three other photos.


US Obama Dog


The man needs some serious help with his image.  These photos present an image that is not helpful to his ability to command the respect that is due to the Office of the President, and will be erode the abilities of those that follow him.  Don’t even get me started on the flinch in Turkey, the staging of the Bagdad event, the dis to our WWII veterans in France OR the FRACKING BOW TO A FOREIGN MONARCH / LEADER.  WTF!

That is a fine looking dog though.  I sincerely hope that the Obama’s get some obiedience training the Bo, and for themselves in handling the dog, and they truely make him part of their family and not a political accessory.