Who Is Your Hero Campaign

The Bob Woodward foundation has begun a tech based, social networking campaign that you should know about.  You might remember that Woodward was reporting in Iraq when the convoy that he was traveling in was targeted.  Woodward was wounded in the insuing battle.  As a result of his work, and his recovery he founded the Woodward foundation.  Today the begin the Tweet to Remind Campaign.

Tweet to ReMIND is a celebration of support for the United States service men and women created by the Bob Woodruff Foundation’s ReMIND.org. ReMIND.org is ensuring our heroes return home with the assistance they need to successfully integrate back into society. Through the power of the social web, Tweet to ReMIND aims to raise $1.65 million by Memorial Day, May 25, 2009.

More often than not, the injuries we can see are coupled with the injuries we cannot. Hidden injuries, by their very nature, routinely go unnoticed. ReMIND.org is bringing these hidden injuries to light, so that we can care for all our wounded—and address all of their wounds.

1.65 million U.S. service members have been deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq since 9/11. More than 35,000 service members have been physically wounded. It is estimated that more than 320,000 have sustained traumatic brain injuries and more than 300,000 have psychological wounds.

Tweet to ReMIND empowers Twitter users to donate dollars and tweets in service of our injured service members, veterans and their families the local support and resources they deserve as they heal and reintegrate into their communities.

They have a worthy goal, and an interesting experiment going.  Give them a few minutes of your time, skip that gourmet coffee tomorrow and instead make a donation http://tweettoremind.org.

Who is my hero?  The list is very long, and very distinguished.  In general terms, it is every person who has honorably served this country from prior to it’s inception.  From the Tun Tavern in 1775 to the Hindu Kush, and everything in between.  In every clime and place.

If you are looking for a specific set of individuals.  That is much harder to specify.  So let’s go with this:

  • Ross McGinnis
  • Jason Dunham
  • Michael Monsoor
  • Paul Smith
  • Seal Team 10
  • Michael Murphy
  • Danny Dietz
  • Matthew Axelson
  • Marcus Luttrell