Incredible — Fact or Fiction

Interesting news report out of Chicago here.  It seems that citizens within the city are not “law-abiding”.  What you say, citizens are breaking the law?   In the midst of all of the focus on gun control particularly in large cities, it is quite apparent that the gun control laws are not working.  We all saw the statistics from DC on how crime increases when weapons are tightly controlled.  It appears that Joe Citizen is recognizing this as well.

Two interesting points from the article:

Gun instructor John Matuska says a majority of his students are women. He estimates that 150,000 otherwise law-abiding Chicagoans are packing pistols illegally.

“It’s their way of immediate protection,” Matuska said. “They would rather take a chance with a judge or a jury than take a chance with the bad guy and not have one.”


CBS 2 talked to a shop owner who said that if he had obeyed the city’s ban, he’d be dead.

“We were actually broken into, you know, during the day,” he said.

He owns a small business on the South Side. He doesn’t want us to reveal his identity. Although it’s illegal in Chicago, he often packs a .25 caliber pistol. He claims it saved his life twice, most notably when a robber hit him from behind with a hammer.

“As he reached to hit me again, I drew my pistol,” he said. “He saw the pistol, and I shot and missed him totally ’cause I was half-knocked. He took off running.”

Chicago police who responded did what officers often do in the city’s toughest neighborhoods. They pretended that the victim had not broken the law by defending himself with an illegal handgun.

“Nothing was said about the gun going off,” he said. “The police come over to make a report. The guy said to me, ‘Well, you’re lucky you weren’t killed. You should’ve had a gun with you. If you had killed the guy, then you would have had to say you took the gun off him.'”

It is a mainstream media report so take it for what it is worth.  150K people carrying illegally?   That’s probably why they removed the magnetometers from the Sear’s Tower.