Tranquility Base

40 years ago, now, we heard these words… “Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.”

With them, the goal set forth by John F. Kennedy in 1961 to land a man on the moon before the end of the decade.  The focus and support of the American government, industry, and citizens in reaching this goal was astounding.

Kennedy’s vision was announced just months prior to my birth and during a time of hightened brinksmanship during the cold war.  Obviously I grew up during this period of time and was enamored of (and still am) the space program.

We had gathered as a family at my grandfather’s home on this day in 1969.  It was a hot summer’s day in Portland.  My cousins made the trip in from Spokane (about 6 hrs) and we were tearing up the house and the yard as children (all between 4 and 9) do.  Normal summer time frollicking.  Soon enough we were all brought into the house to watch and listen to the proceedings.   Cronkite and Schirra, with their commentary and the support crews at Mission Control providing some context for what was happening…  then it was back outside to run and play.

As the day progressed, and moved on we were becoming totally worn out.  My sister and I both whining about going home.  Yet we were made to stay, and as the shadows were lengthening we were all brought back inside the house to that small den in the house on Insley, and gathered around the television again.  Poor quality , ghostly black and white images eventually appeared and what was happening was finally made clear.  Man was walking on the moon.  11 people of three generations gathered in that small den that night and witnessed history.


apollo11 crew