Unbelievable Behaviors

Life has a way of throwing us curve balls.  When it does, the character of the individual usually comes out.  Hopefully we all rise to the occasion but the reality is that in most of those cases our minds, and our reactions tend to fall back on those that we are most comfortable with.

The recent incident in Cambridge, and the behavior of those involved present an interesting opportunity to examine individual behaviors of:  A Cambridge LEO, A Citizen, and POTUS.  At this point you should be saying to yourself, “Huh?  POTUS?  No way”.

The police officer who arrested a Harvard professor for disorderly conduct said Thursday he wants President Obama, who is the educator’s friend, to butt out of the incident.

Ah, that’s what were talking about.   At a high level the story is this.

1.  Professor returns from trip, realizes he does not have his house keys and breaks into house.

2.  Neighbors call Police.

3.  Police walk into the home and find a citizen.  Ask for ID.

4.  Citizen responds to Police with verbal epithats, and aggression while producing ID.

5.  Police, not knowing the full situation asks citizen to step outside the house, where it is safer, to resolve the situation.

6.  Citizen continues to make a scene (can you say disorderly conduct).

7.  Citizen is arrested and charged with disorderly conduct.

8.  POTUS accuses local LEO of racial profiling, and “acting stupidly” during televised press conference.

My question to you is WTF is POTUS doing getting publicly involved in a “he said / she said” situation.  I think that we saw something in that behavior that POTUS worked incredibly hard to hide during the campaign but, all of those Rev. Wright sermons have obviously taken root.

Common sense folks.  I a Police Officer is in your home you politely cooperate to resolve the situation without doing anything:

a) to incriminate yourself,

b.) that is suspicious,

c.) sets off alarm bells in the cop that get you shot, beaten, or in cuffs.

If you are in the right i.e. it is your house etc. then be polite about the situation, help the guy figure out what is going on and thank him for his diligence in protecting you and your property.

As to POTUS.  Um, local matters are local matters you should not even know the details.  Little things like Iran, North Korea, Al Qaida, the economy, and the budget really ought to be taking up every waking hour of your day.

In any case there is a nice article here.