Healthcare Debate

We have an opportunity to change (reform) our health care approach in this country.  We have always had this opportunity but, now the National leadership of this country is in a position where they feel that they can mandate this change.  In doing so, effectively removing the concept of “free markets” and replacing it with Nationalization.

Below is a really interesting seven minute interview with a member of the European Parliment on the British NHS.  Some extremely interesting history of the program, and some of the issues that have evolved with it.

So tell me. Is this the kind of program that you want in place to take care of you, your family, your aging parents, etc? These are frightening facts. Yes there are always counter arguments but when I speak with folks in Canada or Britian or other European nations they are all saying the same thing that these facts illustrate. Quality of life and care under a socialized medical program is not good.

Do your research, and make your voices heard on this issue. Encourage your representatives to vote with your voice and do not make political deals on this bill. There are some bills that are too important for “politics as usual”. This is one of them