Valour IT – Raising Awareness

As I mentioned last night, we are into the fund raising cycle for Valour IT.  With the economy the way that it is, everyone is adjusting their spending to hold on to a little more of what they are earning.  Take a few minutes, to find a couple of schekels to toss in the Valour IT coffer.  If your company matches charitable funds – let’s leverage that as well.

Reuters has a nice article out today telling you a little bit more about the program, and how to donate.  If you choose to make your donation through the mail as opposed to online, be sure to mark it as part of the Team Marine efforts.  All of the funds go to the same worthy cause, but Marines have this little competitive streak, we do win.

Click on that thermometer over there on the left.  Step through the online process and donate what you can.   Donations for Valour-IT may also be made by sending checks or money orders to:

Soldiers’ Angels

Valour-IT Fund

1792 E. Washington Blvd.

Pasadena, CA 91104.