Valour IT – Fundraising in progress

The Valour IT fund raiser is still moving right along.  Please feel free to drop a couple of dollars, euros, yen, etc. in the thermometer over there to the left.

Most of may go, “Hrmmph, just another beg for dollars”.  I won’t dispute that with you but before you move off and on to other things take a quick hop over to a piece that Jules Crittenden recently did about your Marines, and his experiences with the recovery process at Walter Reed.  In one rather long sentence, Mr. Crittenden sums up The Corps…

…but there is something particularly endearing about the small, cult-like, dysfunctional family known as the United States Marine Corps, also sometimes known as America’s Pitbull, a service branch that operates on the principle that the entire branch is an elite unit, rather than just having elite units within it.

This is your Corps.  The one that for 234 years has been the tip of the spear.  We gladly pay the price that it takes to keep this country free.  But that attitude is shared by every member of every combat branch of the armed services.  That’s what a volunteer force is about.

Enough said, find a couple of bucks for Valour IT.  As I have said before, there are only a few organizations that I feel strongly enough about to financially support, and only two that I will actively ask you to support as well.  Valour IT is one of those.