Christmas Eve 2009

Another Christmas Eve has arrived.  I trust that everyone has found their way to some time with family and friends.  Spending as much time on the road as I do, I find that as hectic as this time of year is it is critical to my sanity, and to breaking loose from the corporate grind.

This year is time in the ice and snow.  Time with family.  Time with friends.  Seeing, talking, catching up with many folks who I am not able to see or speak to as often as I like.

My advise to all; enjoy the coming few days.  Slow down, back off the throttle a bit.  Don’t stress over the gifts, or the meals.  Just make the best with what you have and what life throws at you.  The most important thing is the love and friendship of those people (and pets) that are what make you, you.

P.S.  – I have some scheduled posts coming up over the next couple of days.  Enjoy them if you like but, they will be here on Monday too.