Illegal Border Crossing – Technology

Here’s one that got my blood simmering this morning.

It seems that some of the good folks at the University of California at San Diego have determined that the folks who cross our southern border without going through official channels need a bit of survival help.  To that end they have devised a toll to assist them in locating water stations.

Now this is all very humanitarian of these researchers and so forth, and having run across many bands of these folks wandering the deserts and the orange groves down in Yuma, it is a problem.  On the flip side, if these immigrants are to pursue the “American Dream” let them come through the appropriate border crossings.  If they are “political refugees” and are fleeing something specific then let’s put together the appropriate refugee care centers, and get them the care and protection that they need.  While the “crisis” is resolved.

However, the use of government funding to produce a device that aids in illegal border crossings is wrong.  Additionally, it is a symptom of what is failing in this great republic of ours.