Tragic Story

A tragedy struck today in Tacoma. Kind of close to home as I have a lot of extended family that lives in the area. The story is here.

Over the past few years I have become a big advocate for self defense.  Close in to moderate distances.  These are the kinds of stories that drive me nuts.  Here we have a school teacher who has done all the “right” legal things to protect herself from a known threat, and she is slain by that threat because he has no qualms about violating the law.

There are many things that could have been done to prevent this tragedy,  including the deceased taking an active role in carrying a weapon for defense.  In this case nothing less than a firearm would have been appropriate.

I pray that the victim is not one of my relatives (so far no word), and hope that people begin to separate themselves from the emotional arguments about gun control and start to focus on the facts and statistics.  The phrase “An armed society, is a polite society” rings very true.