Obligatory Obamacare Post

As feared by the majority of Americans, the current administration has thrown off their costume and shown their true colors, as socialists.  They are out of the closet, and are taking their shot and changing America from the values that it was founded on, and turning it back into a European colony.

“First of all, then we have to say the American public overwhelmingly voted for socialism when they elected President Obama,”
Al Sharpton

From these depths come advice from a number of folks:

From Hot Air comes a stirring piece, including this:

Yes, it makes demands. Freedom is not a gift. It is not given to you by the government, in a precise dosage that can be adjusted to match a politician’s diagnosis of what ails the body politic. Your forefathers won an impossible Revolution against an invincible foe to declare the self-evident truth that your rights descend from your Creator. Whether that Creator is a transcendent God, or a random combination of genetic material in the primordial soup, it is a power that existed before the first king assumed his throne, or the first president was elected. Liberty burns in your imagination, flows through your veins, and rings through your words.

This radiant idea has burned through all the bloody clouds of the last three centuries: you are not clay to be sculpted by the will of another. You are not a racially inferior inconvenience, to be marched into a concentration camp. You aren’t a class enemy to be exiled by dictators. You are not a disposable cog in the machinery of collectivist economics, or a mouth to be starved by the failure of collective agriculture. You are an American, and through a dereliction of their duty as elected representatives, the Democrats have forced you to choose whether you will retain the full measure of the honor and dignity your Constitution asserts for you.

If you choose to obey their demands, it will be the last such choice you make. Your opinion was disregarded on this travesty of a health-care bill. It will not be solicited in the future. Fifteen thousand new IRS agents will ensure that you comply with endless future “adjustments” to socialized insurance, until it mutates into socialist medicine, and bankrupts us along with the crushing weight of other unsustainable entitlements. On that dark day, you will be fighting battles, not making choices.

From pdb, we see a similar sentiment:

Reading my favorite blogs this morning, there sure is a lot of hang dog pity partying going on. It’s hard not to join them, as Mark Steyn repeatedly points out, this is the point of no return for a representative democracy. Once the state involves itself with everyone’s medicine there is no part of life that it will exclude itself from. Historically, no country has shrunk the state after this step has been taken. Every rational reading of the numbers seems to indicate that this is the beginning of our decline into a dying, European style welfare state. It’s time to give up, get a government job and line up for our slice of 100% fat free, algore approved non-global warming cheese.

But you know what? Fuck that.

We are AMERICANS goddamnit….

Go read the rest of these pieces.  Go troll the pundits.  The American form of government provides for many checks and balances.  This is not a done deal yet.

In the famous words of Blutarski, “Did we give up when the Germans bomber Pearl Harbor”?  He was on a roll, and it is again time for Americans to exercise the governmental systems that are in place.  Elections are coming, and the courts are standing by to take the cases that will be brought by the states of the Republic.

No matter what occurs, we know it will be historical.