Obama Limiting Nuclear Responses

Wow, another surprise. I think most Presidents have always had contingencies and levels of escalations defined in their minds before they ever had to approach a situation involving the use of special weapons.

This has to be the first time that POTUS has gone public with an intent not to limit the use of special weapons. According to the unscientific poll over at Foxnews, this strategy is not going over so well with US citizens.

Thank you for voting!
Yes, limiting our options makes no sense 91% (35,456 votes)
Maybe, but he’s right on need to curb nukes 3% (1,194 votes)
No, his plan is just what the world needs 6% (2,257 votes)
I don’t know 1% (211 votes)
Total Votes: 39,118

91% say POTUS is not playing with a full deck.   Not looking so good there for the CINC.