Unintended Consequences

The phrase of the year (or two), “Unintended Consequences”.  I think we have certainly seen a lot of that out of our current administration.

Today, we see reports of the transfer of significant military hardware within the middle east.  Specifically that Syria has been transferring SCUD missiles to Hezzbolah.  Now, you have to temper this just a bit because the SCUD weapon system is relatively complex and can be difficult to maintain and operate.  On the alarming side of the equation a middle eastern government has provided a mid range ballistic missile system to a terrorist group.  My expectation given the complexity of the system is that it will be employed sooner rather than later.

The hypothesis:

If POTUS had not snubbed Netanyahu recently I do not believe that this transfer would have taken place.

If Nancy Pelosi had not visited Damascus and tried to advance her own foreign policy agenda, this transfer may not have taken place.

It might help if POTUS would stop apologizing for US actions, and stop bowing to every other leader in the world.

Discuss amongst yourselves.

I think I need to check prevailing winds and so forth, you never know what the impact of the radioactive fallout is going to be the rice paddies in SE Asia may not produce anything edible for many years.

All, Unintended Consequences.